Einfach nur ein Traum – Montenegro-Exkursion 2018

19. Mai bis 02. Juni 2018

Lilium albanicum by Peter Weiser
Lilium albanicum. Foto: Peter Weiser

Botanische Artenliste: bestimmt und dokumentiert von Prof. Dr. Karin Gorgas, Corinna Heyer, Corina Müller, Elke Reiser, Volker Violet, Dr. Peter Weiser and Dr. Henner Wenzel


Finden Sie hier das Protokoll unserer zweiwöchigen botanischen Rundreise durch Montenegro zum Herunterladen. Sie dokumentiert fast 600 Pflanzenarten – für einige gibt es keinen deutschen Namen.

Maßgeblich beim Bestimmen war Karin Gorgas, die mit bewundernswerter Ausdauer anhand unserer Aufzeichnungen, wenigen Herbarbelegen und zahlreichen Fotos nicht nur Gattungen, sondern auch Art- und Subspecies bestimmte. Unzählige Fotobelege hat Henner Wenzel gesendet; Corinna Heyer und Peter Weiser haben mit ihren Aufnahmen sehr wertvolle Beiträge geleistet. Volker Violet, Elke Reiser haben viel beigetragen mit ihrer Teilnahme an zahlreichen Diskussionsrunden. Corina Müller hat versucht, die Arten Standorten zuzuordnen (siehe Liste auf Seite 3) und last but not least hat Johann Ilmberger die GPS-Gesamtroute erstellt.

Protokoll und Artenliste vom Juli 2019
Montenegro Excursion May 2018_Botanic Re
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.3 MB
Ramonda serbica by Peter Weiser
Ramonda serbica. Foto: Peter Weiser

Aus dem Inhalt

A long dream of many participants of the Montenegro-Excursion of the NABU group Heidelberg was fulfilled getting the chance to visit the five famous National Parks in Montenegro characterized by their exceptionally different landscapes and vegetation areas ranging from the largest lake of the Balkan peninsula, the Lake Skadar in the South creating the border between Montenegro and Albania, up to the high mountains in the North West, harboring the largest and deepest canyon of Europe, the Tara gorge.


Not one of us was fully aware of the overwhelming richness of the natural treasures found in Montenegro and the incredibly high number of plants including a considerable number of rare, endangered, and endemic species.


Our cumulative plant list offers a first insight in the Montenegrin flora, but it is far from being complete for the individual areas listed. Despite our eager interests in both the flora and fauna of Montenegro, a systematic registration of local plants could not be carried out during a period of 14 days.


The lack of a field guide of the Montenegrin flora made the correct determination of many species very difficult and in some cases the genera and species remained unresolved. The ’Illustrated Flora of Albania’ by Gerhard Pils (2016) was the most important source offering 5769 illustrations. We hope that our plant list may be helpful for interested people and botanists visiting Montenegro in the future.


We thank Volker Violet for the initial planning of the Montenegro-Excursion, and we are deeply thankful to Luka Kadovic for his exceptional great organizational efforts and his great personal supportive engagement making the 14 days for everybody of us to an overwhelming and unforgettable experience and giving us a deep insight in the outstandig hospitality of the Montenegrinians.


In addition, we thank the highly motivated guides leading us through the National parks, and the owners of the charming small private Botanical Gardens of Kolašin, Daniel Vincek, and of Plav, Milutin Praščević, who showed us their collections of representative indigenous rare and endemic plants occurring in the surrounding hills and mountains.


Finally, we would like to say our special thanks to our excellent bus driver who was very friendly and very helpful in every situation.






Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.07.2019 (MP)

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Montag 16:00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstag 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr und
Freitag 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr


Tel.:  06221/ 73 606 71 (AB)


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